How much do solar screens cost?

How Much Do Solar Screens Cost


In an era where environmental consciousness is on the rise, many homeowners are seeking sustainable solutions to reduce their carbon footprint. One such innovation gaining popularity is the use of solar screens. These window coverings not only provide shade and privacy but also harness the power of the sun to enhance energy efficiency. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of solar screens and explore the crucial question on every homeowner’s mind: How much do solar screens cost per window?

The Basics of Solar Screens

Before we delve into the costs, let’s understand what solar screens are and how they work. Solar screens are specially designed window coverings made from a unique mesh fabric that effectively filters sunlight, reducing glare and heat transfer. Unlike traditional blinds or curtains, solar screens allow natural light to enter while blocking harmful UV rays. This not only enhances indoor comfort but also contributes to energy savings by reducing the need for air conditioning.

Factors Influencing Solar Screen Costs

Several factors influence the cost of solar screens, making it essential for homeowners to consider these aspects before making a decision.

Material Quality

The quality of the material used in solar screens plays a pivotal role in determining their cost. High-quality, durable fabrics with advanced solar-reflective properties may come at a higher price point but offer long-term benefits in terms of efficiency and longevity.

Customization and Size

The size and customization options for solar screens also impact their cost. Custom-made screens designed to fit specific window dimensions may be more expensive than standard sizes. However, the investment often pays off in terms of a perfect fit and enhanced aesthetic appeal.


The complexity of installation can vary based on the type of windows and the mounting method chosen. Professional installation services may add to the overall cost, but they ensure a seamless and secure fit, maximizing the effectiveness of solar screens.

how much do solar screens cost

Understanding Solar Screen Cost Breakdown

Now, let’s break down the costs involved in installing solar screens, focusing on the average expenses per window.

Material Costs

The material costs depend on the type and quality of the fabric used. On average, expect to pay between $7 and $25 per square foot for high-quality solar screen material. Keep in mind that custom colors or patterns may incur additional charges.

Size and Customization

The size of your windows and the level of customization required significantly affect the overall cost. Standard-sized solar screens typically range from $100 to $300 per window. However, for larger or uniquely shaped windows, the cost may increase, with prices ranging from $200 to $500 or more per window.

how much do solar screens cost

Installation Costs

While some homeowners opt for a DIY approach, professional installation (solar system) ensures optimal performance. Professional installation fees can range from $50 to $150 per window, depending on factors such as window type and accessibility. Considering the long-term benefits, many homeowners find the investment in professional installation worthwhile.

Calculating the Total Cost

To calculate the total cost of installing solar screens, consider the sum of material costs, customization fees, and installation charges. For a standard-sized window, the total cost may range from $250 to $700. However, for larger or more intricate installations, the total expense could exceed $1,000 per window.

how much do solar screens cost


In conclusion, investing in solar screens can be a wise decision for homeowners looking to enhance energy efficiency and create a more comfortable living space. While the initial cost may seem significant, the long-term benefits, including reduced energy bills and increased property value, make solar screens a worthwhile investment. In blog you have learnt about how much do solar screens cost per window.

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What are solar screens?

Solar screens are window coverings made from a unique mesh fabric that filters sunlight to reduce glare and heat transfer.

How do solar screens work?

Solar screens allow natural light to enter while blocking harmful UV rays, enhancing indoor comfort and contributing to energy savings.

Why choose solar screens over traditional blinds?

Solar screens provide shade, privacy, and energy efficiency by filtering sunlight, unlike traditional blinds or curtains.

What factors influence solar screen costs?

Material quality, customization, size, and installation complexity are key factors influencing solar screen costs.

What is the average cost of solar screen material?

On average, solar screen material costs between $7 and $25 per square foot, depending on quality and type.

How much do solar screens cost per window?

Standard-sized solar screens typically range from $100 to $300 per window.

Do customizations incur additional charges?

Yes, custom colors or patterns may incur additional charges when customizing solar screens.

Is professional installation necessary?

While DIY is an option, professional installation ensures optimal performance and ranges from $50 to $150 per window.

What is the total cost for a standard-sized window installation?

The total cost for a standard-sized window installation may range from $250 to $700.

Are there long-term benefits to investing in solar screens?

Yes, the long-term benefits include reduced energy bills and increased property value, making solar screens a worthwhile investment.

How Much Do Solar Screens Cost?

Solar screens for smaller windows that are may only cost around $29 per screen. But larger windows may cost $80.

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